Demand President Uhuru Kenyatta not sell Kenya on this Black Friday

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Black Friday is almost here. This date spotlights the worst of consumerism by promoting unsustainable and unlimited spending on products we are told we need by companies. But we can use this date for good, to ask President Uhuru Kenyatta not to sell Kenya as the USA’s plastic dumpster.

The American Chemistry Council has been lobbying the US government to use the US-Kenya trade deal to send their plastic waste to Kenya, more plastic waste in the US will mean more plastic waste in Kenya. Why does Kenya need to become a dumping ground for plastics that arent good enough for the US and other countries?

The group lobbying for this absurdity has Shell, Exxon, and Total among its members. This is the final lifeline of fossil fuel industries. By making you consume more plastic, they can drill for more oil.

If President Uhuru Kenyatta sells out Kenya, the gains that the Kenya single-use ban has achieved will be threatened. Sign this petition and let’s pressure President Uhuru to say no to them.

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The bigger we make this, the more are the chances to have a plastic-free country.


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