Make your voice against deep sea mining heard!

BIG NEWS: Leticia Carvalho is the NEW head of the International Seabed Authority (ISA); the UN body deciding whether to allow deep sea mining.

On the opening day of her first ISA meeting - where global governments will discuss the future of deep sea mining - we want Leticia Carvalho to hear, loud and clear, that the protection of our blue planet needs to be prioritised over profits.

We’ll deliver your messages directly to Leticia Carvalho in person at the ISA meeting, so tell her we need to seize this unique opportunity to stop harm before it starts to protect our ocean. With the first deep sea mining application expected to be submitted later this year, it’s a CRUCIAL time to show your resistance, wherever you are in the world!

  • The ocean is a lifeline for millions of Africans, providing food, livelihoods, and cultural heritage. Deep sea mining threatens these vital resources and the communities that depend on them.
  • The risks of deep sea mining far outweigh the benefits for Africa, with profits likely going to foreign corporations while African nations bear the environmental and social costs. A moratorium is essential to protect our future.
  • Africa’s oceans are already under threat from overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Deep sea mining would further harm these fragile ecosystems, which are crucial for biodiversity and climate regulation.
  • Africa has suffered from destructive extractive industries on land, and we must not allow deep sea mining to repeat this history of environmental harm and resource exploitation.
  • I stand with Indigenous Peoples, scientists, environmental groups, and 32 countries calling for a pause or moratorium on deep sea mining to protect our oceans and the communities that depend on them.

Write a welcome message to Leticia Carvalho

We want to take your demand for ocean protection straight to decision makers!

Please write the message in your local language so that we can show the global resistance to deep sea mining.

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Together we can stop deep sea mining before it starts. By sharing with your friends and family on social media, you’ll help to grow the movement across the world!

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