Amplify the voices of local and indigenous communities in Cameroon in the protection and preservation of their forest.

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Cameroon's forests host over 90% of Africa's ecological systems, which makes it the fifth biggest in biodiversity in both flora and fauna in Africa. But, all of this beauty is under threat - by companies like Camvert and Sudcam which cause an increase in human-wildlife conflict, a lot of environmental issues such as deforestation, and massive biodiversity loss, severely impacting the ecosystems and the communities that depend on them for survival. 

Communities located near the places where these companies operate often face increased health risks due to pollution. These communities have voiced out their challenges which include: reduction in living space and activities for communities, encroachment on sites and destruction of sacred sites, destruction of forest resources, population decline, disregard for communities and traditional activities, increased conflict between man and wildlife, food and physical insecurity, endangerment of protected species, just to name a few.

Community heads and members have come together and made their demands clear to the government.  

Will you quickly sign this letter to add your voice and amplify the voices of these communities to protect the precious ecosystem which they call home?

To: H.E Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife: Listen to the voices of the local and indigenous communities and put an end to forest exploitation.


needed to reach

Some of the demands by the community heads:

  • Recognise the status of indigenous peoples as such;
  • Secure the rights of indigenous and local communities to forest lands;
  • Recognise, respect and implement the right of communities to FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) in all processes related to the exploitation of natural resources on their traditional lands and territories;
  • Stop any further clearing by CAMVERT, assess the damage caused and oblige the company to pay for the damage caused;
  • Ensure compliance with SUDCAM's zero deforestation policy, assess the damage caused and oblige the company to pay for the damage caused;
  • Put an end to illegal logging by SEXTRANSBOIS in Ebo Forest;
  • Cancel Decree no.135/DNK/ of July 31, 1963 issued by the Divisional Officer of Nkam, making the Ebo'o forest a prohibited zone and resulting in the eviction of the local population;
  • Stop granting land titles to exploit natural resources until land and forestry reforms have been completed.

Thanks! Now can you share this urgent action with your family and friends and help make our message even louder?

The more people taking action, the more impact we'll have.

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