Stop Shell from destroying the Wild Coast

Our journey to #StopShell-1

Wild Coast under threat from dangerous oil and gas exploration

On 1 December Royal Dutch Shell will start an oil and gas exploration project in the Wild Coast. This seismic testing will have a devastating impact on the livelihoods of local fishing communities and the precious ecosystems off the coast of South Africa.

Shell’s oil and gas exploration involves using airguns to create seismic waves deep into the ocean. These blasts are incredibly harmful to marine life and could even lead to their death. We cannot allow climate criminals, like Shell, to plunder in the name of greed. We cannot allow them to lock us into a fossil-fueled future, when South Africa needs a just transition to renewable energy to create greener jobs, reduce emissions, and solve our energy crisis.



Our communities deserve better! With the images of the Mauritius Oil Spill still fresh in our minds, we won’t allow this to happen again. Gwede Mantashe, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy must immediately STOP Shell from conducting a seismic survey in this area now.

Demand Gwede Mantashe, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy STOP Shell from conducting seismic blasting now.


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Press Release

Stop new logging plans

Lifting the ban would put at risk an area of rainforest the size of France, resulting in land grabs, social conflict and the exacerbation of the climate and biodiversity crises.