The government needs to protect Kenya’s farmers from big corporations. Kenya’s government should amend these seed laws now and allow the sale, exchange and sharing of indigenous seeds and integrate local farmer seed management into law.
needed to reach
Support local communities in Cameroon
Support local communities in Cameroon! Act to stop Sudcam from stealing land from the indigenous people
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Stop new logging plans
Lifting the ban would put at risk an area of rainforest the size of France, resulting in land grabs, social conflict and the exacerbation of the climate and biodiversity crises.
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Take more actions
Stop Ghana from becoming Europe's textile waste dumpsite
Africa has become Europe’s fashion waste dumping hotspot.
Stop Deep Sea Mining
In Africa, where biodiversity flourishes on land and in its surrounding seas, the deep sea is a treasure trove of biodiversity and home to untold wonders and possibilities. It is also one of our best allies against climate change. But a threat is coming: deep sea mining.
Loadshedding in South Africa
End loadshedding - fast track to renewables.