Protect the Oceans - Protect fishing communities

DSC00260 Fatou SAMBA

Big business is stealing fish from West Africa. They’re destroying jobs and a vital source of food. But local communities are fighting back, and Greenpeace is supporting them. Join us in demanding that fishmeal and fish oil importers and the politicians who regulate the industry change their ways, now. 

Every year, big business steals over half a million tonnes of fish from the people of West Africa. That’s enough to feed 33 million individuals. But instead, it’s processed and fed to animals in Asia and Europe. Scientists say fish stocks in the sea off West Africa will soon be permanently damaged. Thousands of people will lose their jobs, and thousands of families will lose a vital food source.

But coastal communities are fighting back. Fishmongers - mostly women - and fishermen are protesting and campaigning. The more of us who add our voices to theirs, the more big business and the politicians will have to listen. They’re scared of their wrongdoing being exposed.

Tell these corporations that destroy the oceans to stop importing fishmeal and fish oil from West Africa. And tell the governments of Senegal, Mauritania and The Gambia that coastal communities need action, not words.

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